Kasich Pledges Gun Law Reforms While at Local Business

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WTVN) -- Ohio Governor John Kasich wants you to know the Bureau of Worker's Compensation is giving money back to employers, through its "Billions Back" initiative.

But Governor Kasich also wants you to know he backs what he labels as "common sense" gun law reforms. He also wants legislators to more closely examine Ohio's income tax, to become more competitive.

Kasich broke from message during a Tuesday morning press conference at Franklinton's Land Grant Brewing Company, to passionately talk about reforming Ohio's gun laws.

"People who have these emotional instabilities should not have a weapon. We have legislation we're trying to move through the legislature to provide for that," the governor said.

Several of Kasich's agency directors delivered remarks, reading from prepared comments, and were interrupted by the governor several times to interactively convey their thoughts to a crowd of invited onlookers, in front of television cameras.

"Stand tall and tough. This is about gun safety for every single Ohioan," he said. But the event was actually about how a state initiative is benefiting a craft brewing startup. A considerable amount of time was spent addressing the finer points of workers comp reimbursements, which evolved into Governor Kasich commenting on the Waffle House shootings in suburban Nashville.

The President of Land Grant Brewing Company, Adam Benner, closed his establishment for the morning to host the Bureau of Workers Compensation and Governor Kasich.

Benner says he will use the money returned by the state to install a pump for Hops to be poured into a tank, which is a task now done manually by Benner's employees.

Neither Benner or any employees publicly address gun regulations. Benner did, however, publicly address his passion for brewing good beer.

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