Hillary, #MeToo, and M. Lewinsky

With the arrival of the #MeToo movement, former President Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky has gotten renewed attention, with some people who supported him then now rethinking having done so. But Hillary Clinton isn't one of them. The former secretary of state and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee said in an interview with CBS News' Sunday Morning show that her husband's affair with Lewinsky wasn't an abuse of power because the White House intern, quote, "was an adult." When asked if her husband should have resigned over the affair, Clinton said "absolutely not." Clinton then tried to turn the question back to now, saying, "But let me ask you this. Where's the investigation of the current incumbent, against whom numerous allegations have been made, and which he dismisses, denies, and ridicules?" Clinton was also asked what role, if any, she played in criticizing the character of the women who accused her husband of sexual misconduct, and she said, "None. No role. I take responsibility for my life and my actions."

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