New Law Regarding Child Absences from School Takes Effect Today

COLUMBUS, Ohio (24-7 News)--A new state law regarding school absences and notifying parents takes effect today.

Senate Bill 82, known as Alianna's Law, requiring schools to notify parents of a student's absence within two hours of the beginning of school.

The new legislation is named after 14-year-old Alianna Defreeze of Cleveland, who was abducted at her bus stop in 2017 and killed, but her parents didn't learn of her being missing until the end of the school day.

Schools will now have 120-minutes from when the student is reported absent to call, text, or email a child's parent or guardian.

With Alianna's Law, Ohio now becomes the first in the country to implement a strict statewide time frame on how long a school has to report a missing student.

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