ODOT Testing New Wrong-Way Driver Detection System

CINCINNATI, Ohio (WTVN)--The Ohio Department of Transportation has unveiled a new system to detect wrong-way drivers on interstate highways, with a test area set up near Cincinnati.

ODOT Director Jack Marchbanks and Governor Mike DeWine unveiled the system Tuesday, which is along I-71 in Hamilton County. It involves 92 electronic signs and 82 detection devices on an 18-mile stretch of highway.

If a driver is detected heading the wrong way, LED lights are activated on the signs, and a message is set to the department of Transportation's Traffic Management Center.

While wrong way crashes made up only 0.01 percent of all crashes in Ohio last year, they are 40 times more likely to be deadly.

The system follows a pilot program from a setup along I-670 at Neil Avenue in Columbus, with positive results.

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