Three Weather Records Broken in Columbus This Week

WILMINGTON, Ohio (WTVN)--It's been a record-breaking weather week for central Ohio.

The National Weather Service says two record low temperatures and a record amount of snowfall were all recorded this week in Columbus. It started on Monday, with 2.1" of snow on November 11th. The previous record was only 0.5", set back in 1983.

Then on Tuesday, a record low temperature was set at 15 degrees. The previous record for that date was 16, set back in 1911.

The NWS says another record low temperature is on the way for Wednesday. The lowest temperature recorded as of 5AM Wednesday was already 13 degrees. The previous record was 14, also set back in 1911.

Along with the records, meteorologists say Columbus also saw the lowest maximum temperature for the date on November 12th, with the high only at 28 degrees. The previous lowest high temperature for that date was 30, back in 1920.

(photo courtesy Getty Images)

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