Two Miami U. Students Quarantined for Possible Coronavirus

OXFORD, Ohio (WTVN)--Health officials have confirmed that two students at Miami University in Oxford have been quarantined and tested for possible cases of coronavirus.

The CDC says the students recently traveled to China, and saw a doctor this week after showing mild symptoms. Tests to determine if it is coronavirus are expected to be returned later this week.

The University also postponed Tuesday night's Men's Basketball game between Miami and Central Michigan University, over concerns about its spread.

The Ohio Department of Health maintains that the risk of infection is very low, and coronavirus is classified as an immediately reportable disease.

The US has begun restricting travel to China, where the virus has infected tens of thousands and killed hundreds.

The advice from the CDC is to only to travel to China if absolutely necessary. At least five cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in the US.

(photo courtesy Getty Images)

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