Local Government Organizations Supporting Safe Trick-or-Treating

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WTVN)--A group of local government organizations is supporting efforts for communities to hold "beggar's night" this Halloween.

The Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission, Central Ohio Mayors and Managers Association, and Franklin County Township Association all threw their support for holding the activities, with proper COVID-19 guidelines in place.

MORPC Executive Director William Murdock says parents should use discretion and good judgment in deciding whether to allow their children to participate.

The commission also recommended that "beggar's night" be held on Thursday, October 29th, from 6 to 8PM, but residents are encouraged to check with their local community's website to be sure exactly when their activities are, if they are still being held.

Columbus Public Health, Franklin County Public Health, and the Delaware County General Health District have all released their own COVID-19 guidelines for celebrating Halloween.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has recommended against trick-or-treat during the coronavirus pandemic.

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