COLUMBUS, Ohio (WTVN) --Activists around Columbus, worried about the repeal of Obamacare and other issues, are hosting their own town hall meetings--without their federal representatives.
One group held a meeting Wednesday with a cardboard cutout of Republican Congressman Pat Tiberi, whose spokesperson said he was busy meeting one-on-one with other constituents.
In Hilliard, another group held a meeting with a cardboard cutout of Republican Congressman Steve Stivers.
Stivers told ABC6/FOX 28, "They can fill a room with several hundred people who want to yell and scream and become a mob. but that's not constructive dialogue."
U.S. Senator Rob Portman's constituents showed up outside his downtown Columbus office Wednesday night, but the senator was a no-show.
Portman says, "They have every right to be there and let their views be heard", and notes he's conducted two "tele-town halls" in as many days.
(Photo courtesy ABC6/FOX28)
(ABC6/FOX28 and NBC NewsRadio contributed to this story.)