Legal Firm to Work Pro Bono to "Save The Crew"

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WTVN)--The Columbus City Attorney says legal services will be provided pro bono for the effort to "Save The Crew".

A statement from Zach Klein's office says Bricker & Eckler will offer their services at no cost to the city, as the city joins the lawsuit against Precourt Sports Ventures to keep the team from moving to Austin, Texas following the 2018 MLS season.

“As we continue to aggressively pursue our lawsuit against Anthony Precourt’s attempts to move the Crew out of Columbus, we are excited to team up with a local Columbus firm in this community-wide effort,” said Klein. “Bricker & Eckler’s talented team of attorneys will be an incredible resource to us in this fight.”

The lawsuit against PSV was filed on March 5th. It centers on a law passed after the Cleveland Browns moved to Baltimore, involving teams that use taxpayer-supported stadiums.

The law states that a team owner must give the local municipality six months notice before a move, and give a local entity an offer to buy the team before the move takes place. 

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