AUSTIN, Texas (WTVN) -- After about eight hours of listening to public comments, Austin City Council voted to talk with Anthony Precourt about moving his soccer team from Columbus to the Texas capital.
At the same time, council members also decided to listen to other ideas to develop the property.
Precourt was among those at the meeting, telling council, "We are committed to bringing Austin it’s first major professional soccer team and bringing the worlds most popular sport to the city."
Precourt's latest offer to the city includes affordable housing near the stadium site. In return, Austin would lease the land for $1 a year and Precourt would not have to pay taxes on the property.
Next up is an Austin City Council in August on Precourt's proposal.
Meantime, there is a lawsuit pending in Columbus aimed at keeping the Crew in Ohio.
(ABC6/FOX28's Mike McCarthy contributed to this story)